38 KB

  1. """
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. Lexers for computer graphics and plotting related languages.
  5. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
  6. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
  7. """
  8. from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, words, include, bygroups, using, \
  9. this, default
  10. from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, \
  11. Number, Punctuation, String, Whitespace
  12. __all__ = ['GLShaderLexer', 'PostScriptLexer', 'AsymptoteLexer', 'GnuplotLexer',
  13. 'PovrayLexer', 'HLSLShaderLexer']
  14. class GLShaderLexer(RegexLexer):
  15. """
  16. GLSL (OpenGL Shader) lexer.
  17. .. versionadded:: 1.1
  18. """
  19. name = 'GLSL'
  20. aliases = ['glsl']
  21. filenames = ['*.vert', '*.frag', '*.geo']
  22. mimetypes = ['text/x-glslsrc']
  23. tokens = {
  24. 'root': [
  25. (r'#(?:.*\\\n)*.*$', Comment.Preproc),
  26. (r'//.*$', Comment.Single),
  27. (r'/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/', Comment.Multiline),
  28. (r'\+|-|~|!=?|\*|/|%|<<|>>|<=?|>=?|==?|&&?|\^|\|\|?',
  29. Operator),
  30. (r'[?:]', Operator), # quick hack for ternary
  31. (r'\bdefined\b', Operator),
  32. (r'[;{}(),\[\]]', Punctuation),
  33. # FIXME when e is present, no decimal point needed
  34. (r'[+-]?\d*\.\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?', Number.Float),
  35. (r'[+-]?\d+\.\d*([eE][-+]?\d+)?', Number.Float),
  36. (r'0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*', Number.Hex),
  37. (r'0[0-7]*', Number.Oct),
  38. (r'[1-9][0-9]*', Number.Integer),
  39. (words((
  40. # Storage qualifiers
  41. 'attribute', 'const', 'uniform', 'varying',
  42. 'buffer', 'shared', 'in', 'out',
  43. # Layout qualifiers
  44. 'layout',
  45. # Interpolation qualifiers
  46. 'flat', 'smooth', 'noperspective',
  47. # Auxiliary qualifiers
  48. 'centroid', 'sample', 'patch',
  49. # Parameter qualifiers. Some double as Storage qualifiers
  50. 'inout',
  51. # Precision qualifiers
  52. 'lowp', 'mediump', 'highp', 'precision',
  53. # Invariance qualifiers
  54. 'invariant',
  55. # Precise qualifiers
  56. 'precise',
  57. # Memory qualifiers
  58. 'coherent', 'volatile', 'restrict', 'readonly', 'writeonly',
  59. # Statements
  60. 'break', 'continue', 'do', 'for', 'while', 'switch',
  61. 'case', 'default', 'if', 'else', 'subroutine',
  62. 'discard', 'return', 'struct'),
  63. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  64. Keyword),
  65. (words((
  66. # Boolean values
  67. 'true', 'false'),
  68. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  69. Keyword.Constant),
  70. (words((
  71. # Miscellaneous types
  72. 'void', 'atomic_uint',
  73. # Floating-point scalars and vectors
  74. 'float', 'vec2', 'vec3', 'vec4',
  75. 'double', 'dvec2', 'dvec3', 'dvec4',
  76. # Integer scalars and vectors
  77. 'int', 'ivec2', 'ivec3', 'ivec4',
  78. 'uint', 'uvec2', 'uvec3', 'uvec4',
  79. # Boolean scalars and vectors
  80. 'bool', 'bvec2', 'bvec3', 'bvec4',
  81. # Matrices
  82. 'mat2', 'mat3', 'mat4', 'dmat2', 'dmat3', 'dmat4',
  83. 'mat2x2', 'mat2x3', 'mat2x4', 'dmat2x2', 'dmat2x3', 'dmat2x4',
  84. 'mat3x2', 'mat3x3', 'mat3x4', 'dmat3x2', 'dmat3x3',
  85. 'dmat3x4', 'mat4x2', 'mat4x3', 'mat4x4', 'dmat4x2', 'dmat4x3', 'dmat4x4',
  86. # Floating-point samplers
  87. 'sampler1D', 'sampler2D', 'sampler3D', 'samplerCube',
  88. 'sampler1DArray', 'sampler2DArray', 'samplerCubeArray',
  89. 'sampler2DRect', 'samplerBuffer',
  90. 'sampler2DMS', 'sampler2DMSArray',
  91. # Shadow samplers
  92. 'sampler1DShadow', 'sampler2DShadow', 'samplerCubeShadow',
  93. 'sampler1DArrayShadow', 'sampler2DArrayShadow',
  94. 'samplerCubeArrayShadow', 'sampler2DRectShadow',
  95. # Signed integer samplers
  96. 'isampler1D', 'isampler2D', 'isampler3D', 'isamplerCube',
  97. 'isampler1DArray', 'isampler2DArray', 'isamplerCubeArray',
  98. 'isampler2DRect', 'isamplerBuffer',
  99. 'isampler2DMS', 'isampler2DMSArray',
  100. # Unsigned integer samplers
  101. 'usampler1D', 'usampler2D', 'usampler3D', 'usamplerCube',
  102. 'usampler1DArray', 'usampler2DArray', 'usamplerCubeArray',
  103. 'usampler2DRect', 'usamplerBuffer',
  104. 'usampler2DMS', 'usampler2DMSArray',
  105. # Floating-point image types
  106. 'image1D', 'image2D', 'image3D', 'imageCube',
  107. 'image1DArray', 'image2DArray', 'imageCubeArray',
  108. 'image2DRect', 'imageBuffer',
  109. 'image2DMS', 'image2DMSArray',
  110. # Signed integer image types
  111. 'iimage1D', 'iimage2D', 'iimage3D', 'iimageCube',
  112. 'iimage1DArray', 'iimage2DArray', 'iimageCubeArray',
  113. 'iimage2DRect', 'iimageBuffer',
  114. 'iimage2DMS', 'iimage2DMSArray',
  115. # Unsigned integer image types
  116. 'uimage1D', 'uimage2D', 'uimage3D', 'uimageCube',
  117. 'uimage1DArray', 'uimage2DArray', 'uimageCubeArray',
  118. 'uimage2DRect', 'uimageBuffer',
  119. 'uimage2DMS', 'uimage2DMSArray'),
  120. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  121. Keyword.Type),
  122. (words((
  123. # Reserved for future use.
  124. 'common', 'partition', 'active', 'asm', 'class',
  125. 'union', 'enum', 'typedef', 'template', 'this',
  126. 'resource', 'goto', 'inline', 'noinline', 'public',
  127. 'static', 'extern', 'external', 'interface', 'long',
  128. 'short', 'half', 'fixed', 'unsigned', 'superp', 'input',
  129. 'output', 'hvec2', 'hvec3', 'hvec4', 'fvec2', 'fvec3',
  130. 'fvec4', 'sampler3DRect', 'filter', 'sizeof', 'cast',
  131. 'namespace', 'using'),
  132. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  133. Keyword.Reserved),
  134. # All names beginning with "gl_" are reserved.
  135. (r'gl_\w*', Name.Builtin),
  136. (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
  137. (r'\.', Punctuation),
  138. (r'\s+', Whitespace),
  139. ],
  140. }
  141. class HLSLShaderLexer(RegexLexer):
  142. """
  143. HLSL (Microsoft Direct3D Shader) lexer.
  144. .. versionadded:: 2.3
  145. """
  146. name = 'HLSL'
  147. aliases = ['hlsl']
  148. filenames = ['*.hlsl', '*.hlsli']
  149. mimetypes = ['text/x-hlsl']
  150. tokens = {
  151. 'root': [
  152. (r'#(?:.*\\\n)*.*$', Comment.Preproc),
  153. (r'//.*$', Comment.Single),
  154. (r'/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/', Comment.Multiline),
  155. (r'\+|-|~|!=?|\*|/|%|<<|>>|<=?|>=?|==?|&&?|\^|\|\|?',
  156. Operator),
  157. (r'[?:]', Operator), # quick hack for ternary
  158. (r'\bdefined\b', Operator),
  159. (r'[;{}(),.\[\]]', Punctuation),
  160. # FIXME when e is present, no decimal point needed
  161. (r'[+-]?\d*\.\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?f?', Number.Float),
  162. (r'[+-]?\d+\.\d*([eE][-+]?\d+)?f?', Number.Float),
  163. (r'0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*', Number.Hex),
  164. (r'0[0-7]*', Number.Oct),
  165. (r'[1-9][0-9]*', Number.Integer),
  166. (r'"', String, 'string'),
  167. (words((
  168. 'asm','asm_fragment','break','case','cbuffer','centroid','class',
  169. 'column_major','compile','compile_fragment','const','continue',
  170. 'default','discard','do','else','export','extern','for','fxgroup',
  171. 'globallycoherent','groupshared','if','in','inline','inout',
  172. 'interface','line','lineadj','linear','namespace','nointerpolation',
  173. 'noperspective','NULL','out','packoffset','pass','pixelfragment',
  174. 'point','precise','return','register','row_major','sample',
  175. 'sampler','shared','stateblock','stateblock_state','static',
  176. 'struct','switch','tbuffer','technique','technique10',
  177. 'technique11','texture','typedef','triangle','triangleadj',
  178. 'uniform','vertexfragment','volatile','while'),
  179. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  180. Keyword),
  181. (words(('true','false'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  182. Keyword.Constant),
  183. (words((
  184. 'auto','catch','char','const_cast','delete','dynamic_cast','enum',
  185. 'explicit','friend','goto','long','mutable','new','operator',
  186. 'private','protected','public','reinterpret_cast','short','signed',
  187. 'sizeof','static_cast','template','this','throw','try','typename',
  188. 'union','unsigned','using','virtual'),
  189. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  190. Keyword.Reserved),
  191. (words((
  192. 'dword','matrix','snorm','string','unorm','unsigned','void','vector',
  193. 'BlendState','Buffer','ByteAddressBuffer','ComputeShader',
  194. 'DepthStencilState','DepthStencilView','DomainShader',
  195. 'GeometryShader','HullShader','InputPatch','LineStream',
  196. 'OutputPatch','PixelShader','PointStream','RasterizerState',
  197. 'RenderTargetView','RasterizerOrderedBuffer',
  198. 'RasterizerOrderedByteAddressBuffer',
  199. 'RasterizerOrderedStructuredBuffer','RasterizerOrderedTexture1D',
  200. 'RasterizerOrderedTexture1DArray','RasterizerOrderedTexture2D',
  201. 'RasterizerOrderedTexture2DArray','RasterizerOrderedTexture3D',
  202. 'RWBuffer','RWByteAddressBuffer','RWStructuredBuffer',
  203. 'RWTexture1D','RWTexture1DArray','RWTexture2D','RWTexture2DArray',
  204. 'RWTexture3D','SamplerState','SamplerComparisonState',
  205. 'StructuredBuffer','Texture1D','Texture1DArray','Texture2D',
  206. 'Texture2DArray','Texture2DMS','Texture2DMSArray','Texture3D',
  207. 'TextureCube','TextureCubeArray','TriangleStream','VertexShader'),
  208. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  209. Keyword.Type),
  210. (words((
  211. 'bool','double','float','int','half','min16float','min10float',
  212. 'min16int','min12int','min16uint','uint'),
  213. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'([1-4](x[1-4])?)?\b'),
  214. Keyword.Type), # vector and matrix types
  215. (words((
  216. 'abort','abs','acos','all','AllMemoryBarrier',
  217. 'AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync','any','AppendStructuredBuffer',
  218. 'asdouble','asfloat','asin','asint','asuint','asuint','atan',
  219. 'atan2','ceil','CheckAccessFullyMapped','clamp','clip',
  220. 'CompileShader','ConsumeStructuredBuffer','cos','cosh','countbits',
  221. 'cross','D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4','ddx','ddx_coarse','ddx_fine','ddy',
  222. 'ddy_coarse','ddy_fine','degrees','determinant',
  223. 'DeviceMemoryBarrier','DeviceMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync','distance',
  224. 'dot','dst','errorf','EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid',
  225. 'EvaluateAttributeAtSample','EvaluateAttributeSnapped','exp',
  226. 'exp2','f16tof32','f32tof16','faceforward','firstbithigh',
  227. 'firstbitlow','floor','fma','fmod','frac','frexp','fwidth',
  228. 'GetRenderTargetSampleCount','GetRenderTargetSamplePosition',
  229. 'GlobalOrderedCountIncrement','GroupMemoryBarrier',
  230. 'GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync','InterlockedAdd','InterlockedAnd',
  231. 'InterlockedCompareExchange','InterlockedCompareStore',
  232. 'InterlockedExchange','InterlockedMax','InterlockedMin',
  233. 'InterlockedOr','InterlockedXor','isfinite','isinf','isnan',
  234. 'ldexp','length','lerp','lit','log','log10','log2','mad','max',
  235. 'min','modf','msad4','mul','noise','normalize','pow','printf',
  236. 'Process2DQuadTessFactorsAvg','Process2DQuadTessFactorsMax',
  237. 'Process2DQuadTessFactorsMin','ProcessIsolineTessFactors',
  238. 'ProcessQuadTessFactorsAvg','ProcessQuadTessFactorsMax',
  239. 'ProcessQuadTessFactorsMin','ProcessTriTessFactorsAvg',
  240. 'ProcessTriTessFactorsMax','ProcessTriTessFactorsMin',
  241. 'QuadReadLaneAt','QuadSwapX','QuadSwapY','radians','rcp',
  242. 'reflect','refract','reversebits','round','rsqrt','saturate',
  243. 'sign','sin','sincos','sinh','smoothstep','sqrt','step','tan',
  244. 'tanh','tex1D','tex1D','tex1Dbias','tex1Dgrad','tex1Dlod',
  245. 'tex1Dproj','tex2D','tex2D','tex2Dbias','tex2Dgrad','tex2Dlod',
  246. 'tex2Dproj','tex3D','tex3D','tex3Dbias','tex3Dgrad','tex3Dlod',
  247. 'tex3Dproj','texCUBE','texCUBE','texCUBEbias','texCUBEgrad',
  248. 'texCUBElod','texCUBEproj','transpose','trunc','WaveAllBitAnd',
  249. 'WaveAllMax','WaveAllMin','WaveAllBitOr','WaveAllBitXor',
  250. 'WaveAllEqual','WaveAllProduct','WaveAllSum','WaveAllTrue',
  251. 'WaveAnyTrue','WaveBallot','WaveGetLaneCount','WaveGetLaneIndex',
  252. 'WaveGetOrderedIndex','WaveIsHelperLane','WaveOnce',
  253. 'WavePrefixProduct','WavePrefixSum','WaveReadFirstLane',
  254. 'WaveReadLaneAt'),
  255. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  256. Name.Builtin), # built-in functions
  257. (words((
  258. 'SV_ClipDistance','SV_ClipDistance0','SV_ClipDistance1',
  259. 'SV_Culldistance','SV_CullDistance0','SV_CullDistance1',
  260. 'SV_Coverage','SV_Depth','SV_DepthGreaterEqual',
  261. 'SV_DepthLessEqual','SV_DispatchThreadID','SV_DomainLocation',
  262. 'SV_GroupID','SV_GroupIndex','SV_GroupThreadID','SV_GSInstanceID',
  263. 'SV_InnerCoverage','SV_InsideTessFactor','SV_InstanceID',
  264. 'SV_IsFrontFace','SV_OutputControlPointID','SV_Position',
  265. 'SV_PrimitiveID','SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex','SV_SampleIndex',
  266. 'SV_StencilRef','SV_TessFactor','SV_VertexID',
  267. 'SV_ViewportArrayIndex'),
  268. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  269. Name.Decorator), # system-value semantics
  270. (r'\bSV_Target[0-7]?\b', Name.Decorator),
  271. (words((
  272. 'allow_uav_condition','branch','call','domain','earlydepthstencil',
  273. 'fastopt','flatten','forcecase','instance','loop','maxtessfactor',
  274. 'numthreads','outputcontrolpoints','outputtopology','partitioning',
  275. 'patchconstantfunc','unroll'),
  276. prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  277. Name.Decorator), # attributes
  278. (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
  279. (r'\\$', Comment.Preproc), # backslash at end of line -- usually macro continuation
  280. (r'\s+', Whitespace),
  281. ],
  282. 'string': [
  283. (r'"', String, '#pop'),
  284. (r'\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|'
  285. r'u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape),
  286. (r'[^\\"\n]+', String), # all other characters
  287. (r'\\\n', String), # line continuation
  288. (r'\\', String), # stray backslash
  289. ],
  290. }
  291. class PostScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
  292. """
  293. Lexer for PostScript files.
  294. .. versionadded:: 1.4
  295. """
  296. name = 'PostScript'
  297. url = ''
  298. aliases = ['postscript', 'postscr']
  299. filenames = ['*.ps', '*.eps']
  300. mimetypes = ['application/postscript']
  301. delimiter = r'()<>\[\]{}/%\s'
  302. delimiter_end = r'(?=[%s])' % delimiter
  303. valid_name_chars = r'[^%s]' % delimiter
  304. valid_name = r"%s+%s" % (valid_name_chars, delimiter_end)
  305. tokens = {
  306. 'root': [
  307. # All comment types
  308. (r'^%!.+$', Comment.Preproc),
  309. (r'%%.*$', Comment.Special),
  310. (r'(^%.*\n){2,}', Comment.Multiline),
  311. (r'%.*$', Comment.Single),
  312. # String literals are awkward; enter separate state.
  313. (r'\(', String, 'stringliteral'),
  314. (r'[{}<>\[\]]', Punctuation),
  315. # Numbers
  316. (r'<[0-9A-Fa-f]+>' + delimiter_end, Number.Hex),
  317. # Slight abuse: use Oct to signify any explicit base system
  318. (r'[0-9]+\#(\-|\+)?([0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)'
  319. r'((e|E)[0-9]+)?' + delimiter_end, Number.Oct),
  320. (r'(\-|\+)?([0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)((e|E)[0-9]+)?'
  321. + delimiter_end, Number.Float),
  322. (r'(\-|\+)?[0-9]+' + delimiter_end, Number.Integer),
  323. # References
  324. (r'\/%s' % valid_name, Name.Variable),
  325. # Names
  326. (valid_name, Name.Function), # Anything else is executed
  327. # These keywords taken from
  328. # <>
  329. # Is there an authoritative list anywhere that doesn't involve
  330. # trawling documentation?
  331. (r'(false|true)' + delimiter_end, Keyword.Constant),
  332. # Conditionals / flow control
  333. (r'(eq|ne|g[et]|l[et]|and|or|not|if(?:else)?|for(?:all)?)'
  334. + delimiter_end, Keyword.Reserved),
  335. (words((
  336. 'abs', 'add', 'aload', 'arc', 'arcn', 'array', 'atan', 'begin',
  337. 'bind', 'ceiling', 'charpath', 'clip', 'closepath', 'concat',
  338. 'concatmatrix', 'copy', 'cos', 'currentlinewidth', 'currentmatrix',
  339. 'currentpoint', 'curveto', 'cvi', 'cvs', 'def', 'defaultmatrix',
  340. 'dict', 'dictstackoverflow', 'div', 'dtransform', 'dup', 'end',
  341. 'exch', 'exec', 'exit', 'exp', 'fill', 'findfont', 'floor', 'get',
  342. 'getinterval', 'grestore', 'gsave', 'gt', 'identmatrix', 'idiv',
  343. 'idtransform', 'index', 'invertmatrix', 'itransform', 'length',
  344. 'lineto', 'ln', 'load', 'log', 'loop', 'matrix', 'mod', 'moveto',
  345. 'mul', 'neg', 'newpath', 'pathforall', 'pathbbox', 'pop', 'print',
  346. 'pstack', 'put', 'quit', 'rand', 'rangecheck', 'rcurveto', 'repeat',
  347. 'restore', 'rlineto', 'rmoveto', 'roll', 'rotate', 'round', 'run',
  348. 'save', 'scale', 'scalefont', 'setdash', 'setfont', 'setgray',
  349. 'setlinecap', 'setlinejoin', 'setlinewidth', 'setmatrix',
  350. 'setrgbcolor', 'shfill', 'show', 'showpage', 'sin', 'sqrt',
  351. 'stack', 'stringwidth', 'stroke', 'strokepath', 'sub', 'syntaxerror',
  352. 'transform', 'translate', 'truncate', 'typecheck', 'undefined',
  353. 'undefinedfilename', 'undefinedresult'), suffix=delimiter_end),
  354. Name.Builtin),
  355. (r'\s+', Whitespace),
  356. ],
  357. 'stringliteral': [
  358. (r'[^()\\]+', String),
  359. (r'\\', String.Escape, 'escape'),
  360. (r'\(', String, '#push'),
  361. (r'\)', String, '#pop'),
  362. ],
  363. 'escape': [
  364. (r'[0-8]{3}|n|r|t|b|f|\\|\(|\)', String.Escape, '#pop'),
  365. default('#pop'),
  366. ],
  367. }
  368. class AsymptoteLexer(RegexLexer):
  369. """
  370. For Asymptote source code.
  371. .. versionadded:: 1.2
  372. """
  373. name = 'Asymptote'
  374. url = ''
  375. aliases = ['asymptote', 'asy']
  376. filenames = ['*.asy']
  377. mimetypes = ['text/x-asymptote']
  378. #: optional Comment or Whitespace
  379. _ws = r'(?:\s|//.*?\n|/\*.*?\*/)+'
  380. tokens = {
  381. 'whitespace': [
  382. (r'\n', Whitespace),
  383. (r'\s+', Whitespace),
  384. (r'(\\)(\n)', bygroups(Text, Whitespace)), # line continuation
  385. (r'//(\n|(.|\n)*?[^\\]\n)', Comment),
  386. (r'/(\\\n)?\*(.|\n)*?\*(\\\n)?/', Comment),
  387. ],
  388. 'statements': [
  389. # simple string (TeX friendly)
  390. (r'"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"', String),
  391. # C style string (with character escapes)
  392. (r"'", String, 'string'),
  393. (r'(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[lL]?', Number.Float),
  394. (r'(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+[fF])[fF]?', Number.Float),
  395. (r'0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?', Number.Hex),
  396. (r'0[0-7]+[Ll]?', Number.Oct),
  397. (r'\d+[Ll]?', Number.Integer),
  398. (r'[~!%^&*+=|?:<>/-]', Operator),
  399. (r'[()\[\],.]', Punctuation),
  400. (r'\b(case)(.+?)(:)', bygroups(Keyword, using(this), Text)),
  401. (r'(and|controls|tension|atleast|curl|if|else|while|for|do|'
  402. r'return|break|continue|struct|typedef|new|access|import|'
  403. r'unravel|from|include|quote|static|public|private|restricted|'
  404. r'this|explicit|true|false|null|cycle|newframe|operator)\b', Keyword),
  405. # Since an asy-type-name can be also an asy-function-name,
  406. # in the following we test if the string " [a-zA-Z]" follows
  407. # the Keyword.Type.
  408. # Of course it is not perfect !
  409. (r'(Braid|FitResult|Label|Legend|TreeNode|abscissa|arc|arrowhead|'
  410. r'binarytree|binarytreeNode|block|bool|bool3|bounds|bqe|circle|'
  411. r'conic|coord|coordsys|cputime|ellipse|file|filltype|frame|grid3|'
  412. r'guide|horner|hsv|hyperbola|indexedTransform|int|inversion|key|'
  413. r'light|line|linefit|marginT|marker|mass|object|pair|parabola|path|'
  414. r'path3|pen|picture|point|position|projection|real|revolution|'
  415. r'scaleT|scientific|segment|side|slice|splitface|string|surface|'
  416. r'tensionSpecifier|ticklocate|ticksgridT|tickvalues|transform|'
  417. r'transformation|tree|triangle|trilinear|triple|vector|'
  418. r'vertex|void)(?=\s+[a-zA-Z])', Keyword.Type),
  419. # Now the asy-type-name which are not asy-function-name
  420. # except yours !
  421. # Perhaps useless
  422. (r'(Braid|FitResult|TreeNode|abscissa|arrowhead|block|bool|bool3|'
  423. r'bounds|coord|frame|guide|horner|int|linefit|marginT|pair|pen|'
  424. r'picture|position|real|revolution|slice|splitface|ticksgridT|'
  425. r'tickvalues|tree|triple|vertex|void)\b', Keyword.Type),
  426. (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*:(?!:)', Name.Label),
  427. (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
  428. ],
  429. 'root': [
  430. include('whitespace'),
  431. # functions
  432. (r'((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|\*))' # return arguments
  433. r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*)' # method name
  434. r'(\s*\([^;]*?\))' # signature
  435. r'(' + _ws + r')(\{)',
  436. bygroups(using(this), Name.Function, using(this), using(this),
  437. Punctuation),
  438. 'function'),
  439. # function declarations
  440. (r'((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|\*))' # return arguments
  441. r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*)' # method name
  442. r'(\s*\([^;]*?\))' # signature
  443. r'(' + _ws + r')(;)',
  444. bygroups(using(this), Name.Function, using(this), using(this),
  445. Punctuation)),
  446. default('statement'),
  447. ],
  448. 'statement': [
  449. include('whitespace'),
  450. include('statements'),
  451. ('[{}]', Punctuation),
  452. (';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
  453. ],
  454. 'function': [
  455. include('whitespace'),
  456. include('statements'),
  457. (';', Punctuation),
  458. (r'\{', Punctuation, '#push'),
  459. (r'\}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
  460. ],
  461. 'string': [
  462. (r"'", String, '#pop'),
  463. (r'\\([\\abfnrtv"\'?]|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape),
  464. (r'\n', String),
  465. (r"[^\\'\n]+", String), # all other characters
  466. (r'\\\n', String),
  467. (r'\\n', String), # line continuation
  468. (r'\\', String), # stray backslash
  469. ],
  470. }
  471. def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
  472. from pygments.lexers._asy_builtins import ASYFUNCNAME, ASYVARNAME
  473. for index, token, value in \
  474. RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
  475. if token is Name and value in ASYFUNCNAME:
  476. token = Name.Function
  477. elif token is Name and value in ASYVARNAME:
  478. token = Name.Variable
  479. yield index, token, value
  480. def _shortened(word):
  481. dpos = word.find('$')
  482. return '|'.join(word[:dpos] + word[dpos+1:i] + r'\b'
  483. for i in range(len(word), dpos, -1))
  484. def _shortened_many(*words):
  485. return '|'.join(map(_shortened, words))
  486. class GnuplotLexer(RegexLexer):
  487. """
  488. For Gnuplot plotting scripts.
  489. .. versionadded:: 0.11
  490. """
  491. name = 'Gnuplot'
  492. url = ''
  493. aliases = ['gnuplot']
  494. filenames = ['*.plot', '*.plt']
  495. mimetypes = ['text/x-gnuplot']
  496. tokens = {
  497. 'root': [
  498. include('whitespace'),
  499. (_shortened('bi$nd'), Keyword, 'bind'),
  500. (_shortened_many('ex$it', 'q$uit'), Keyword, 'quit'),
  501. (_shortened('f$it'), Keyword, 'fit'),
  502. (r'(if)(\s*)(\()', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Punctuation), 'if'),
  503. (r'else\b', Keyword),
  504. (_shortened('pa$use'), Keyword, 'pause'),
  505. (_shortened_many('p$lot', 'rep$lot', 'sp$lot'), Keyword, 'plot'),
  506. (_shortened('sa$ve'), Keyword, 'save'),
  507. (_shortened('se$t'), Keyword, ('genericargs', 'optionarg')),
  508. (_shortened_many('sh$ow', 'uns$et'),
  509. Keyword, ('noargs', 'optionarg')),
  510. (_shortened_many('low$er', 'ra$ise', 'ca$ll', 'cd$', 'cl$ear',
  511. 'h$elp', '\\?$', 'hi$story', 'l$oad', 'pr$int',
  512. 'pwd$', 're$read', 'res$et', 'scr$eendump',
  513. 'she$ll', 'sy$stem', 'up$date'),
  514. Keyword, 'genericargs'),
  515. (_shortened_many('pwd$', 're$read', 'res$et', 'scr$eendump',
  516. 'she$ll', 'test$'),
  517. Keyword, 'noargs'),
  518. (r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(=)',
  519. bygroups(Name.Variable, Whitespace, Operator), 'genericargs'),
  520. (r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(\()(.*?)(\))(\s*)(=)',
  521. bygroups(Name.Function, Whitespace, Punctuation,
  522. Text, Punctuation, Whitespace, Operator), 'genericargs'),
  523. (r'@[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Constant), # macros
  524. (r';', Keyword),
  525. ],
  526. 'comment': [
  527. (r'[^\\\n]+', Comment),
  528. (r'\\\n', Comment),
  529. (r'\\', Comment),
  530. # don't add the newline to the Comment token
  531. default('#pop'),
  532. ],
  533. 'whitespace': [
  534. ('#', Comment, 'comment'),
  535. (r'[ \t\v\f]+', Whitespace),
  536. ],
  537. 'noargs': [
  538. include('whitespace'),
  539. # semicolon and newline end the argument list
  540. (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
  541. (r'\n', Whitespace, '#pop'),
  542. ],
  543. 'dqstring': [
  544. (r'"', String, '#pop'),
  545. (r'\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape),
  546. (r'[^\\"\n]+', String), # all other characters
  547. (r'\\\n', String), # line continuation
  548. (r'\\', String), # stray backslash
  549. (r'\n', Whitespace, '#pop'), # newline ends the string too
  550. ],
  551. 'sqstring': [
  552. (r"''", String), # escaped single quote
  553. (r"'", String, '#pop'),
  554. (r"[^\\'\n]+", String), # all other characters
  555. (r'\\\n', String), # line continuation
  556. (r'\\', String), # normal backslash
  557. (r'\n', Whitespace, '#pop'), # newline ends the string too
  558. ],
  559. 'genericargs': [
  560. include('noargs'),
  561. (r'"', String, 'dqstring'),
  562. (r"'", String, 'sqstring'),
  563. (r'(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+', Number.Float),
  564. (r'(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)', Number.Float),
  565. (r'-?\d+', Number.Integer),
  566. ('[,.~!%^&*+=|?:<>/-]', Operator),
  567. (r'[{}()\[\]]', Punctuation),
  568. (r'(eq|ne)\b', Operator.Word),
  569. (r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(\()',
  570. bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Punctuation)),
  571. (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
  572. (r'@[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Constant), # macros
  573. (r'(\\)(\n)', bygroups(Text, Whitespace)),
  574. ],
  575. 'optionarg': [
  576. include('whitespace'),
  577. (_shortened_many(
  578. "a$ll", "an$gles", "ar$row", "au$toscale", "b$ars", "bor$der",
  579. "box$width", "cl$abel", "c$lip", "cn$trparam", "co$ntour", "da$ta",
  580. "data$file", "dg$rid3d", "du$mmy", "enc$oding", "dec$imalsign",
  581. "fit$", "font$path", "fo$rmat", "fu$nction", "fu$nctions", "g$rid",
  582. "hid$den3d", "his$torysize", "is$osamples", "k$ey", "keyt$itle",
  583. "la$bel", "li$nestyle", "ls$", "loa$dpath", "loc$ale", "log$scale",
  584. "mac$ros", "map$ping", "map$ping3d", "mar$gin", "lmar$gin",
  585. "rmar$gin", "tmar$gin", "bmar$gin", "mo$use", "multi$plot",
  586. "mxt$ics", "nomxt$ics", "mx2t$ics", "nomx2t$ics", "myt$ics",
  587. "nomyt$ics", "my2t$ics", "nomy2t$ics", "mzt$ics", "nomzt$ics",
  588. "mcbt$ics", "nomcbt$ics", "of$fsets", "or$igin", "o$utput",
  589. "pa$rametric", "pm$3d", "pal$ette", "colorb$ox", "p$lot",
  590. "poi$ntsize", "pol$ar", "pr$int", "obj$ect", "sa$mples", "si$ze",
  591. "st$yle", "su$rface", "table$", "t$erminal", "termo$ptions", "ti$cs",
  592. "ticsc$ale", "ticsl$evel", "timef$mt", "tim$estamp", "tit$le",
  593. "v$ariables", "ve$rsion", "vi$ew", "xyp$lane", "xda$ta", "x2da$ta",
  594. "yda$ta", "y2da$ta", "zda$ta", "cbda$ta", "xl$abel", "x2l$abel",
  595. "yl$abel", "y2l$abel", "zl$abel", "cbl$abel", "xti$cs", "noxti$cs",
  596. "x2ti$cs", "nox2ti$cs", "yti$cs", "noyti$cs", "y2ti$cs", "noy2ti$cs",
  597. "zti$cs", "nozti$cs", "cbti$cs", "nocbti$cs", "xdti$cs", "noxdti$cs",
  598. "x2dti$cs", "nox2dti$cs", "ydti$cs", "noydti$cs", "y2dti$cs",
  599. "noy2dti$cs", "zdti$cs", "nozdti$cs", "cbdti$cs", "nocbdti$cs",
  600. "xmti$cs", "noxmti$cs", "x2mti$cs", "nox2mti$cs", "ymti$cs",
  601. "noymti$cs", "y2mti$cs", "noy2mti$cs", "zmti$cs", "nozmti$cs",
  602. "cbmti$cs", "nocbmti$cs", "xr$ange", "x2r$ange", "yr$ange",
  603. "y2r$ange", "zr$ange", "cbr$ange", "rr$ange", "tr$ange", "ur$ange",
  604. "vr$ange", "xzeroa$xis", "x2zeroa$xis", "yzeroa$xis", "y2zeroa$xis",
  605. "zzeroa$xis", "zeroa$xis", "z$ero"), Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
  606. ],
  607. 'bind': [
  608. ('!', Keyword, '#pop'),
  609. (_shortened('all$windows'), Name.Builtin),
  610. include('genericargs'),
  611. ],
  612. 'quit': [
  613. (r'gnuplot\b', Keyword),
  614. include('noargs'),
  615. ],
  616. 'fit': [
  617. (r'via\b', Name.Builtin),
  618. include('plot'),
  619. ],
  620. 'if': [
  621. (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
  622. include('genericargs'),
  623. ],
  624. 'pause': [
  625. (r'(mouse|any|button1|button2|button3)\b', Name.Builtin),
  626. (_shortened('key$press'), Name.Builtin),
  627. include('genericargs'),
  628. ],
  629. 'plot': [
  630. (_shortened_many('ax$es', 'axi$s', 'bin$ary', 'ev$ery', 'i$ndex',
  631. 'mat$rix', 's$mooth', 'thru$', 't$itle',
  632. 'not$itle', 'u$sing', 'w$ith'),
  633. Name.Builtin),
  634. include('genericargs'),
  635. ],
  636. 'save': [
  637. (_shortened_many('f$unctions', 's$et', 't$erminal', 'v$ariables'),
  638. Name.Builtin),
  639. include('genericargs'),
  640. ],
  641. }
  642. class PovrayLexer(RegexLexer):
  643. """
  644. For Persistence of Vision Raytracer files.
  645. .. versionadded:: 0.11
  646. """
  647. name = 'POVRay'
  648. url = ''
  649. aliases = ['pov']
  650. filenames = ['*.pov', '*.inc']
  651. mimetypes = ['text/x-povray']
  652. tokens = {
  653. 'root': [
  654. (r'/\*[\w\W]*?\*/', Comment.Multiline),
  655. (r'//.*$', Comment.Single),
  656. (r'(?s)"(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"', String.Double),
  657. (words((
  658. 'break', 'case', 'debug', 'declare', 'default', 'define', 'else',
  659. 'elseif', 'end', 'error', 'fclose', 'fopen', 'for', 'if', 'ifdef',
  660. 'ifndef', 'include', 'local', 'macro', 'range', 'read', 'render',
  661. 'statistics', 'switch', 'undef', 'version', 'warning', 'while',
  662. 'write'), prefix=r'#', suffix=r'\b'),
  663. Comment.Preproc),
  664. (words((
  665. 'aa_level', 'aa_threshold', 'abs', 'acos', 'acosh', 'adaptive', 'adc_bailout',
  666. 'agate', 'agate_turb', 'all', 'alpha', 'ambient', 'ambient_light', 'angle',
  667. 'aperture', 'arc_angle', 'area_light', 'asc', 'asin', 'asinh', 'assumed_gamma',
  668. 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'atmosphere', 'atmospheric_attenuation',
  669. 'attenuating', 'average', 'background', 'black_hole', 'blue', 'blur_samples',
  670. 'bounded_by', 'box_mapping', 'bozo', 'break', 'brick', 'brick_size',
  671. 'brightness', 'brilliance', 'bumps', 'bumpy1', 'bumpy2', 'bumpy3', 'bump_map',
  672. 'bump_size', 'case', 'caustics', 'ceil', 'checker', 'chr', 'clipped_by', 'clock',
  673. 'color', 'color_map', 'colour', 'colour_map', 'component', 'composite', 'concat',
  674. 'confidence', 'conic_sweep', 'constant', 'control0', 'control1', 'cos', 'cosh',
  675. 'count', 'crackle', 'crand', 'cube', 'cubic_spline', 'cylindrical_mapping',
  676. 'debug', 'declare', 'default', 'degrees', 'dents', 'diffuse', 'direction',
  677. 'distance', 'distance_maximum', 'div', 'dust', 'dust_type', 'eccentricity',
  678. 'else', 'emitting', 'end', 'error', 'error_bound', 'exp', 'exponent',
  679. 'fade_distance', 'fade_power', 'falloff', 'falloff_angle', 'false',
  680. 'file_exists', 'filter', 'finish', 'fisheye', 'flatness', 'flip', 'floor',
  681. 'focal_point', 'fog', 'fog_alt', 'fog_offset', 'fog_type', 'frequency', 'gif',
  682. 'global_settings', 'glowing', 'gradient', 'granite', 'gray_threshold',
  683. 'green', 'halo', 'hexagon', 'hf_gray_16', 'hierarchy', 'hollow', 'hypercomplex',
  684. 'if', 'ifdef', 'iff', 'image_map', 'incidence', 'include', 'int', 'interpolate',
  685. 'inverse', 'ior', 'irid', 'irid_wavelength', 'jitter', 'lambda', 'leopard',
  686. 'linear', 'linear_spline', 'linear_sweep', 'location', 'log', 'looks_like',
  687. 'look_at', 'low_error_factor', 'mandel', 'map_type', 'marble', 'material_map',
  688. 'matrix', 'max', 'max_intersections', 'max_iteration', 'max_trace_level',
  689. 'max_value', 'metallic', 'min', 'minimum_reuse', 'mod', 'mortar',
  690. 'nearest_count', 'no', 'normal', 'normal_map', 'no_shadow', 'number_of_waves',
  691. 'octaves', 'off', 'offset', 'omega', 'omnimax', 'on', 'once', 'onion', 'open',
  692. 'orthographic', 'panoramic', 'pattern1', 'pattern2', 'pattern3',
  693. 'perspective', 'pgm', 'phase', 'phong', 'phong_size', 'pi', 'pigment',
  694. 'pigment_map', 'planar_mapping', 'png', 'point_at', 'pot', 'pow', 'ppm',
  695. 'precision', 'pwr', 'quadratic_spline', 'quaternion', 'quick_color',
  696. 'quick_colour', 'quilted', 'radial', 'radians', 'radiosity', 'radius', 'rainbow',
  697. 'ramp_wave', 'rand', 'range', 'reciprocal', 'recursion_limit', 'red',
  698. 'reflection', 'refraction', 'render', 'repeat', 'rgb', 'rgbf', 'rgbft', 'rgbt',
  699. 'right', 'ripples', 'rotate', 'roughness', 'samples', 'scale', 'scallop_wave',
  700. 'scattering', 'seed', 'shadowless', 'sin', 'sine_wave', 'sinh', 'sky', 'sky_sphere',
  701. 'slice', 'slope_map', 'smooth', 'specular', 'spherical_mapping', 'spiral',
  702. 'spiral1', 'spiral2', 'spotlight', 'spotted', 'sqr', 'sqrt', 'statistics', 'str',
  703. 'strcmp', 'strength', 'strlen', 'strlwr', 'strupr', 'sturm', 'substr', 'switch', 'sys',
  704. 't', 'tan', 'tanh', 'test_camera_1', 'test_camera_2', 'test_camera_3',
  705. 'test_camera_4', 'texture', 'texture_map', 'tga', 'thickness', 'threshold',
  706. 'tightness', 'tile2', 'tiles', 'track', 'transform', 'translate', 'transmit',
  707. 'triangle_wave', 'true', 'ttf', 'turbulence', 'turb_depth', 'type',
  708. 'ultra_wide_angle', 'up', 'use_color', 'use_colour', 'use_index', 'u_steps',
  709. 'val', 'variance', 'vaxis_rotate', 'vcross', 'vdot', 'version', 'vlength',
  710. 'vnormalize', 'volume_object', 'volume_rendered', 'vol_with_light',
  711. 'vrotate', 'v_steps', 'warning', 'warp', 'water_level', 'waves', 'while', 'width',
  712. 'wood', 'wrinkles', 'yes'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
  713. Keyword),
  714. (words((
  715. 'bicubic_patch', 'blob', 'box', 'camera', 'cone', 'cubic', 'cylinder', 'difference',
  716. 'disc', 'height_field', 'intersection', 'julia_fractal', 'lathe',
  717. 'light_source', 'merge', 'mesh', 'object', 'plane', 'poly', 'polygon', 'prism',
  718. 'quadric', 'quartic', 'smooth_triangle', 'sor', 'sphere', 'superellipsoid',
  719. 'text', 'torus', 'triangle', 'union'), suffix=r'\b'),
  720. Name.Builtin),
  721. (r'\b(x|y|z|u|v)\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
  722. (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
  723. (r'[0-9]*\.[0-9]+', Number.Float),
  724. (r'[0-9]+', Number.Integer),
  725. (r'[\[\](){}<>;,]', Punctuation),
  726. (r'[-+*/=.|&]|<=|>=|!=', Operator),
  727. (r'"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"', String),
  728. (r'\s+', Whitespace),
  729. ]
  730. }
  731. def analyse_text(text):
  732. """POVRAY is similar to JSON/C, but the combination of camera and
  733. light_source is probably not very likely elsewhere. HLSL or GLSL
  734. are similar (GLSL even has #version), but they miss #declare, and
  735. light_source/camera are not keywords anywhere else -- it's fair
  736. to assume though that any POVRAY scene must have a camera and
  737. lightsource."""
  738. result = 0
  739. if '#version' in text:
  740. result += 0.05
  741. if '#declare' in text:
  742. result += 0.05
  743. if 'camera' in text:
  744. result += 0.05
  745. if 'light_source' in text:
  746. result += 0.1
  747. return result